Keith Pierson Toyota

ONLY at Keith Pierson Toyota as low as 0% 36 months on Camry, Corolla and RAV4.

Payment Relief
May 15, 2019
Image of a blue toy car, a notepad, and a calculator on top of $100 bills.

When you’re looking for a new or pre-owned Toyota car, the buying process can be pretty overwhelming if you’re not prepared. So today, Keith Pierson Toyota wants to share with you some useful advice to make sure you find a car that’s right for you, and right for your new car budget.

The first thing to realize is that the price you’re seeing on the website is not the total price that you’ll be paying. That’s because of costs like registration and title fees, sales tax, and any extended warranty you might buy at the time of purchase. You’ll also need to factor in the secondary costs of ownership as well. These include car insurance, fuel costs, maintenance, and registration renewals. These should all get rolled into the amount of money you’re prepared to budget for your new vehicle.

Don’t fret, though. There are definitely opportunities to bring those costs down. You’ll need a down payment to get a decent monthly rate on your vehicle. Remember, the more you pay off in the first place, the less your monthly payments will be, and the less interest you’ll pay in the long run. To help with your payment, consider trading in your old vehicle to add its value to your down payment. It can be a very big help.

Finally, you need to figure out the maximum amount your monthly payment can be in relation to your income. It’s a good rule of thumb to make sure your transportation costs don’t exceed 15 percent of your monthly income, and the finance experts at our Jacksonville, FL dealership are here to make sure you do not go over your budget. Come in and discover what we have for you today – you’re going to love it!